Thursday, August 29, 2013

Weed Church of Christ August 2013 update

We arrived in Weed about one month ago. In that time we have unpacked, had a work party visit from Tri-City Church of Christ, hosted the church’s re-launch Sunday, joined three soccer teams, gone to the parent orientation for the kids school, had five college students over for meals and laundry multiple times, and met quite a few neighbors! Of the four weekends here we’ve had company coming through town on three of them (and the next three are booked too)! Special thanks to all who helped us with the move, all who keep us in your prayers, and all of those who have visited.

Weed Church of Christ is a small but great group of people. Pictured here is our family with the regular attendees on re-launch Sunday on August 4th. Since that day we have already gained three new college students and had many visitors. On Wednesday nights we have been assessing the churches gifts, passions, and core values. This fall Aaron will begin preaching an overview narrative of the Bible and we’ll also begin a midweek Bible Study and other activities.

Our family is really liking this little town. It seems like everyone knows everyone else. Businesses are family owned and most people who live here really care about making it a better place. We’ve really been enjoying the outdoors here as well. We have hiked the hills around our neighborhood, almost caught catfish at Lake Siskiyou, and explored local lava tube caves. What a wonderful place to live with adventures practically in our back yard. Not to mention the views are spectacular everywhere you go!

We love hearing from you as well! Here’s our contact info.
Phone: (916)947-2839
Corrected Home address: 19038 1st Avenue, Weed CA 96094
Church Address: 19104 1st Avenue, Weed, CA 96094

Tuesday, July 2, 2013

What are the Redelspergers doing now?

We are moving to Weed, CA. We will be leading a relaunch of Weed Church of Christ. This little church has been around for a long time. At one time there were about 50 people there. There are currently five, so our family doubles that number instantly. There has been some conflict, lack of leadership and divisions there in the past. However, everyone who is currently there is excited about moving forward to be a group of people who love God, each other, and their neighbors. They are excited to for more activity, more people, and younger people. I see good days ahead of sharing the gospel and bringing the kingdom to Weed and the surrounding communities.

the Church building
            The church owns a small building with a house next door which serves as a parsonage for the preacher and his family (the Redelspergers). We will be living there for free while we serve the church, the community of Weed and greater Siskiyou County. We are also raising a financial support team to partner with us for the next 5 years. We are moving there to do ministry as a family. I will be preaching, providing leadership and vision, and normal church work. Amy will also be very busy with the church, planning, visiting, administrative help, engaging in the community, loving our neighborhood etc…

view of Mt. Shasta
            Weed, CA is a small town an hour south of Ashland OR on I5.The elevation is higher than the population. They are both right around 3,000. We are in the shadow of Mt. Shasta. There is a spectacular view from our backyard. The town was founded by a lumber man named Abner Weed. No, the name has nothing to do with marijuana, though many people there act like it does. It is a rural logging community with a small town feel. We will have snow on the ground much of the winter, but the summers get plenty hot. From what I can tell there isn’t a very strong church presence there, but we want to change that.

            While we’re there I will also be going to nursing school. I am already enrolled in some prerequisite classes at the College of the Siskiyous. In 5 years I will have completed my Registered Nurse degree and we will then become a self-supported ministry family.

We will always be a ministry family. We are excited about the opportunities ahead of us in this new ministry God has called us to. Would you like to receive our quarterly newsletter? Are you interested in being on our financial support team? Do you have any other questions? Email me at